
April 28, 2024    
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


Bruce’s Mill Conservation Park
3291 Stouffville Road

Join us at Bruce’s Mill Conservation Park for our annual earth week event to plant 5,000 trees and shrubs on April 28th, 2024.

10,000 Trees for the Rouge is a volunteer, non-profit group in Ontario, dedicated to restoring natural habitat within the Rouge Valley, located on the northeastern outskirts of Toronto. They organize several planting events each year with annual Earth Week planting event being their signature event which attracts over 2,000 volunteers. The plantings protect creeks and streams in the Rouge watershed from soil erosion, helping to link existing islands of forest and extending wildlife corridors.

We Lions, at the MELC have decided to make it our yearly project to join hands with the 10,000 Trees for the Rouge. Over the past 24 years, 10,000 trees has reclaimed over 171 acres of fragile watershed lands and plant­ed over 168,000 trees. But we can’t do it without the energetic participation of everyone who comes out to plant.

We, Markham Elite Lions Club will be participating at the event on April 28th. Register to attend the event with us.

Time:  April 28th – 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (tree planting) 

Location: Bruce’s Mill Conservation Park, 3291 Stouffville Road, Whitchurch-Stouffville

Parking: Parking will be available. Follow the 10,000 Trees signs to the “Open Acres”

What to Wear: Long pants, boots/sturdy footwear and gloves

Washrooms: Portable toilets will be available on-site



Bookings are closed for this event.